KAIST Shuttle bus timetable AppKAIST Shuttle bus timetable AppIt contains timetables for the main campus, ICC campus, and Hwa-am dormitory.Easily chec
KAIST Shuttle bus timetable App
KAIST Shuttle bus timetable App
It contains timetables for the main campus, ICC campus, and Hwa-am dormitory.
Easily check the time with widgets and don't miss the next bus with time alarms.
[Key Features]
- Shuttle timetable for the main campus, ICC campus, and Hwa-am dormitory
- Check the remaining time until the next bus
- Widgets for quick time checking
- Alarm popup and vibration alarm for the next bus
The App works based on the widget.
Widgets consist of 3 buttons, by pressing the left button, you can check the timetable in detail. By pressing the middle button, the time on the widget synchronizes with actual time. While the synchronization is running on, the alarm will go off as the setup in the alarm configuration. Pressing the right button changes the current location to the next location.
Updated holidays
Updated timetable images for weekend
Updated timetable images (a bus stop in front of the faculty apartment is added)
Updated a new national holiday, Hangul Proclamation Day
Updated national holidays like Chuseok
Bug fix: alarm
Bug fix: UI messed up on some devices
Bug fix: alarm